More Flaps!

 I've been playing around with the Ork flyer and I really want it to look like it's flying like it's suppose to when diving and banking. I also added the prop which I bashed together. As I was looking at it I was up in the air about. it. I think it looks cool but...

Umm… I’ll paint this

 Yesterday I wanted to blend some .. so I looked on my shelf and grabbed an old Blood Angel Tech Marine. I broke out from reds, yellows and a black wash. I sat there for about 30 minutes blending some reds around. I'm not ready to start on the things I have...

NOVA 2015 .. It’s finished ..

Man am I tired ... it's a few days removed and I'm still crushed. I hung out with the family and had to catch up on yard work so it was no down time on Monday then right back to work. I went to bed early last night and what really helped. I had no energy to do...


Done .. took me till 10 last night to get everything finished..  now off to the event ...  dragging haha..

Kicking the clouds

 I got the Jetbikes finished up. . there is still more I wanted to do but I think they are pretty good. I had to glue the posts in which I wasn't completely happy with but they were too loose to just sit there. These things are crazy top heavy and tip over...