Spider Woes

So.. 3 more days to NOVA .. the final stretch and I'm back to feeling like I'm way behind. What's worse then getting nothing done? Painting for over an hour and feeling like you are even farther behind haha.. Last night my two main airbrushes started acting up and...

Cuz she’s Cold Blooded .. Cold Blooded..

 One more thing completed, I was pretty close before on the Wave Serpent but it needed a few final touches. I made up two sets of ShurCannons for the turret (only needed one set for Nova but don't the road) and wanted to clean up a few sections. I do see one...

Spider to the fly..

 Last night I finished up the Night Spinner and I'm really happy with the final look. I did misplace my TL ShurCat lower turret which has to be around here somewhere but either way..  The green really pops out on the tank and makes have some flashiness to...

Ride Captain Ride..

 Last night I worked more on these guys and the Reapers pretty much done. Honestly I've spent way too much time on the Reapers, I should have just got all new ones and went that route haha.. with them being so old some of the molds must have been blah .....

Progress for progress’s sake

 Yesterday I worked on getting some of the models I need to get cleaned up and done. I needed to paint up another Dark Reaper for the squad I'm bringing. Normally I just use one of the older ones I have painted up but for Nova I wanted to have them be the same...