Requesting Permission to Land

 I got the display mostly done last night, I had to sand down the vane, prime and then paint it again. It wasn't too bad to match it back up thankfully. I then hit it up with about 5 coats of clear to give it as much protection as I could. I'm pretty happy...

Spinning a Yarn

 Last night I was all over the place, working on the Night Spinner a bit and also working on the Jetbike riders. I need a little more blending on the turret but I'm almost done the blues. I'll have to add some of the gunmetal to the engines and other bits then it...

Don’t Jink our Janks…

 18 days to Nova.. I finished up all the jetbikes. Thankfully..  It's nice to have them knocked out and I can move forward with the Riders and other stuff I need to get finished. I keep going back and forth about whether I think I'm good..  It's...

Feel my Sting..

 The Hornet Squad is complete.. finally. Feels like I've been painting these guys forever and finishing them off took longer then I expected since I kept messing with bits here and there haha... i'll just touch this up oh.. this too .. hmmm .. this too. I think...

Dis Playing

 I worked on the display a bit more, after spacking them I had to prime and get them based out. I glued on the support for the vane after I got it measured and placed but I'll be adding some large magnets to also keep it in place and steady. The display work left...