I paint the line..

So many lines.. so much time. I started working on coloring the lines on the Hornets and the Jetbikes. It feels like so much .. I'm not a fan of assembly line style painting but I need to get this done. I start off painting the seams white, then I paint a very thin...

Spinning webs..

 Last night I actually got some stuff done. I have been on the mend for what seems like forever and though I'm still a bit busted up I need to get stuff done. Nova is fast approaching and I still have a ton to get done. I already had the new Nightspinner top...

Flying High..

 Over the past week I've been working on all the bits for the Hornets and Jetbikes. It was a ton of masking and blending they came out looking pretty good. I sprayed blue and then figured I need a little more added so added Purple to some of the bikes. I wanted a...

A portal to another space…

 I modified the Warp Vane design and cut out two of them. I think it looks pretty cool and the first step to a full Eldar board. Not feeling so hot today so just a few pictures...I have a few more ideas and I want to come up with at least 4 more Eldar designs to...

Stand Along..

 I got the new stands made up for the Hornets and attached the magnets to the stand and model. I attached the guns to give it more of a look but you can hardly see them since they are just primed and are blending in a bit haha.. But I think it's nice to see...