Top Decking..

 This weekend I finally got to work on the top deck for the display board. I wanted to add in some special parts. I added detail into the rear section with the steps, I wanted it to be more like that originally but the way I had made it last year didn't allow me...

Many bits to make it work..

 I got everything else all primed up and started working on the blends for the black. I'll need to go back and work on the transition blends more as they are rougher then I like. When the black blends are done I'll clear coat all the parts and then start the...

NOVA Charity BBQ and some progress

 It's getting much closer now .. and before NOVA Open there is the NOVA Charity BBQ. Which is less then two weeks away now. I'm going to try to make it but it's going to be tough for me with all the stuff I have going on and a big fact that my army isn't done...

Crafty bits..

 So I've been trying to knock out some of the new Laser Cutting projects I have been working on. I've been wanting to make up some Eldar terrain for awhile and as I was working on the vane for my displayboard I figured I'd make a little something up. These are...

Who’s got some tape?

 I haven't been completely slacking. . lately I've been working on getting the Hornets moving. And that means lots of tape haha..  they are smaller then the Falcon Chassis which means less space but some of the areas are much tighter.. Sadly I started taping...