Arm the laser cannon

 So I worked on this a few weeks ago but haven't really gotten around to posting the pictures of it. I've been working on a few upgrades for the display board for Nova. There were a few things I wanted to make a little better or add a few details. I re did...

Hold it up..

 Here are some of the new bases I have been working on. Like I mentioned in the last Wave Serpent post I wanted a much better base to put my skimmers on. I wanted something that was stable but also looked cool so I started working on a laser cut base. I made one...

Gun Swap..

 It might not look that exciting but damn does magnetizing these jetbikes take forever. I got a little thicker magnets to make sure they wouldn't bounce around but that caused another issue. I'd have to really bore out parts of the bike and gun or go with a...

You Best Get Crackalack’n Son..

 It's been a while since I posted a working update..  I've been super busy and in kind of a slump. But with NOVA quickly approaching this dude man bro needs to get working. And one of the things I need to get done is the converted Wave Serpent I've been...

Build it up.. NOVA 2015

So it's coming up on Mid May and NOVA is approaching. I was originally thinking I was just going to be updating some of my models to increase my Painting Score. That is what I was going for and was pretty happy with that. This morning I was emailing with Greg and Evan...