I hear you knocking.. but you can’t come in..

 This weekend I got some more work done on the pieces for Nova. I started to put in some time into the Dread Drop Pod doors getting most of the Acrylic blending and chipping done. On the outside at least.. tonight my plan is to work on the hazard strips on the...

Drop the Base

 Hey hey .. last night I worked some more on the bases and got the worn white ones started and started to add the other metallics to it as well. Same with the red... now I have to go through and clean up some of the edges and start to add in the rust and the...

I’m actually quite …….. alive

Hey all! .. long time no talk.. or write.. or whatever you want to say. But I'm actually still alive it's just been a really hectic few months for me. I'm moving! And it happened much quicker than I was figuring so I had to get the old house ready and then get all the...

Banged up but I’m good..

 Hey all,.. A little more work on the Sicaran.. I'm pretty happy with hows it's progressing. I got some more layers of enamels applied and start on some of the oils. The tracks for a good bit of love with layers and some of the wear makes. I'll probably do a...