DreadTober 2017

Hello All,.. It's that time a year again and it looks like we are going to kick off DreadTober 2017..  If you haven't taken part before and have no idea what DreadTober is let me write out a quick history. At the Nova Open 2015 Greg and I came up with the idea of...

Almost ready to get dirty..

 After the initial annoyance that has been the Sicaran I sat down and got some more work done. The tank is getting close to dirty time. I decided to go with bone stripes .. of a sort. The main body stripe goes from the sides to the center main view area. The...

Wonky Times..

 Last week I was working on the Sicaran.. I was blending out the black shades and after doing that I cleared it many times and let it dry for a day. Thinking it should be ok I masked off the area I wanted to have the white line. Well.. when I started to chip the...

WHooooo’s Next? Whooooo wants some?

Since NOVA I've been thinking about some of the things I want to work on. I'm going to stick to Raven Guard and Eldar as my armies so I'll be unloading more of the old armies I have that I don't plan to play or work on. I was working on the Dusk Wolves but after...

NOVA 2017 pics…

Short post today just wanted to upload the pictures I took.. Sadly it's not a ton and I missed a lot at the Cap Palette ..  it seems like as soon as I started to take pictures I'd start talking with someone and then had to head off haha .. so ..  sadly I...