Forward Progress

 This weekend I got a little more progress on the Knight base and got the Contemptor close to being done. I added some powders and grime. Nothing as heavy as the Raven Guard but I wanted it to still look like it's been in the midst of it. I painted the XVI...

Liiiikke aaah Buuug….

 So since I'm not busy enough I decided to try and knock out a Knight before Nova. And then I was like I don't really like the static stance so hey I'll re position his leg. Ok well that means it will be up in the air so I was like what can go beneath it? At...

The long road..

 More work on the display board..  I finished up all of the soldering so I could start to layout the pieces and trench out the foam. I'll be using the trenches to run all the wiring for the lighting. I ran all of the main sections of the trenches and tested...

Building it up..

 This weekend I got pretty much most of the work done I wanted. The second landing platform is now wired up and working. While Scott was working on the wiring I was getting the LEDs attached and painting/weathering the pieces to get them ready. Here's a pic...

Nova Countdown – One Month to go

Alriiiiightieeee ... Well it's the final countdown now .. One month to go, .. yikes. Well, I figured it was now a good time to post a group line up.. as the army as a whole is done! Some touch ups yes but done haha...  Don't mind the pink foam.. that will be...