Everybody’s Blood Bowl Mad!!!

Hey guys and girls - Bristles here with a quick update on what's been going on in my hobby world recently. As per the title, it seems the Code have all gone Blood Bowl crazy and I've got the bug big time....With my Dark Elf Core Team pretty much all finished I...

Showcase for Dismember December

Merry Christmas everybody - hope you've all been good boys and girls this year and got lots of hobby goodness from Santa! Db here with my entry to the Codes Anual December themed painting event - this years event being the free Slaughter Priest that came with...

Omnissiahs Repugnance and Kill Team fun days!

Hey hey girls and guys, Bristles here with an update of what's been going on in my little corner of the hobby!Firstly I'll start off with my most recent completion. This is 'Omnissiahs Repugnance', the newest member of my own (as yet unnamed ........ suggestions...

Trying something new…

Hey guys and girlsSomething a little new for you all this time, The sons of Magnus the Red :)Had a request from a client to attack a small force of Thousand Sons marines for 30k and the FW colour scheme was mentioned so I decided to have a crack at it and see how it...