Warhammer Fest 2016

Good evening all, sorry, it feels like an age since I last posted anything! I've been mooching through some of my recent pictures and I've got so much to update you all with I'm going to break what would be one humongous post post into 3 or 4 posts over the next week...

Everyone’s at it! First Video Blog

Hey guys and Girls, Tom here with a quick post Watching the work of some of the other Code guys got me inspired so I decided to have a little mess about with some apps on the IPad and managed to pop a small video together. Have a watch if your so inclined, I...

Skitarii shenanigans

Very quick post!I finally pulled my finger out and attacked the skitarii boxes my wife got me for my birthday. Last year. In May. I painted 5 guys when I first got them and when I returned to them I realised I'd totally forgotten how I did the scheme! Oh...