Gary. Gary – Hand of the Sigilitte

So yeah, FW went and released Garro.Love the model and loved it so much I thought I'd subtly hint to the wife that he might make a nice crimbo present........"Gary? Who's Gary from Forgeworld? What are you on about?"So no.....that didn't work! Then I realised he...

Summers over, time to get back in the hobby!

Hey guys and girls, me here again with a bit of an update as to what's going on in my little hobby world.First up was the Forge world release of the Imperial Knight simply HAD to get myself one of these as I figure this was the reason my knight lancer was so rubbish...

Busy Busy Busy!

Hey all, apologise for not posting anything in awhile - as ever i've been somewhat snowed under real life and trying to catch up on my hobby backlog!Firstly, I got around to finishing the Dark Eldar commission I'd been working on - I was never a major fan of the DE...

Forgemas 14: Treasures from the Lions Vault

Say what you will about the first legion, but when it comes to big shiny toys, we've got lots of stuff hidden away!As some of you know, The Dark Angels are my favourite army. I collected them when I was younger and started collecting them again when I returned to the...
Warhammer Fest

Warhammer Fest

Hey guys and girls, Mike has kindly asked me to contribute to this blog so I thought I'd offer up a few words on what's been going on in my hobby world lately!Firstly, let me introduce myself, my name is Tom Baker (no, not that one...) and I'm the guy behind the...