TommyH’s 100pt X-Wing Squad

TommyH’s 100pt X-Wing Squad

So I'm absolutely loving X-Wing at the moment, along with all of the 40k Warzone Team.I was a tad envious of TIE Swarm lists and how amazing they looked on the table top, however I refuse to play Imperials! I played around with various Z-95 Headhunter Swarms and while...
X-Wing: The Performance of Phantoms

X-Wing: The Performance of Phantoms

So things are really rolling along in the land of X-Wing!Wave 4 is fresh off the shelves and one thing has caught everyone's attention - the TIE Phantom. Having played a game against a pesky little pilot named "Echo" I can confidently say that flying against one is a...
New Imperial Knight Character!

New Imperial Knight Character!

Via Forge the NarrativeWell isn't that interesting? 500pts is extremely hefty, but the boy is able to Run and Shoot and reroll those pesky 1's on the Stomp table. Will he be abailable for Chaos armies? That's my question. What are your thoughts guys? Will you be...
Our New 7th Edition Players Pack

Our New 7th Edition Players Pack

The boys and I here at 40k Warzone love running tournaments. Getting involved in the community and seeing them directly benefit and receive enjoyment from what we organise is a truly great feeling, and one we're going to happily embrace with the 7th Edition of...
Orks Incoming!!!!

Orks Incoming!!!!

via La Taberna de Laurana on Faeit 212 Looks like a new Ork Walker! Hopefully some more images come soon! Alles gute, TommyH