INBOX019 – Bestor, Savage Claw (Andrea Miniatures)

Today I want to share with You my inbox of Bestor, Savage Claw (WS-20) by Andrea Miniatures in 1:32 scale. All 14 parts of this model are made of white metal.Dzisiaj podzielę się z Wami inboxem Bestor, Savage Claw (WS-20) firmy Andrea Miniatures, wykonanym w skali...

Vallejo Liquid Gold and Liquid Silver

Some time ago I've been searching for good metalic paints, 'cause acrylic paints were noe good enough. After some time I've found with which I'm not going to part with - Vallejo Liquid Gold i Liquid Silver.Jakiś czas temu poszukiwałem bardzo dobrych...