The numbers are increasing

I have at last managed to get a lot of my models build and under-coated. this has given me a solid base to get some serious painting done. I bought the limited edition dark vengeance box set and here is the tactical squad from it: They just need a ride now!...

Paladins Finished…at last

Well at last i have finished my 20 Paladins. They were due to be ready for the 1st week in July, so only 4 months late! here are the last 5 here are some close ups so the next question is what am I up to next? the answer is..... BIKES so these were purchased from...

A Busy Weekend

After having a disappointing sporting weekend (Lewis being rammed off the track by a nutter and England's slow painful Euro exit finally happening, I though a bit of cheering up would be in order. so here is Draigo and here is...

The First 5 Paladins

As mentioned above with all the football on it gives me plenty of time to do some painting. I have completed 5 paladins now (minus some details) I did have some close up pics bu they are too blurry to be any good so that is 5 down and 15 to go! I have...

Paladin Update

well with all the sitting down and watching the football gives me loads of time to paint (multi-tasking) and at last an update! i have done a fair bit on the paladins they are all washed now and helmets/weapons base coated. 7 have moved on a bit further with some...