Showcase Cerastus Knight-Castigator

In my last post I was undecided if I was to paint up my scouts or start my second knight.Well as you can see from the title I made my decision.This is my CERASTUS KNIGHT-CASTIGATOR.It is the same colour scheme as the lancer and here they are together. I still need to...


It’s been a while since my last post.I have finished* renovating my new house and have moved in.*in that it is liveable, with some odd jobs and touch ups still to carry outImportantly I have got a space for my painting station It is near a large window, so has a...

2015 review and 2016 objectives

Overall 2015 was a pretty successful year for me doing hobby related activities.I have managed to paint at least 1 squad a month and painted a lot of units that had been sat in boxes for quite some time.My painting challenge (like doc, painting gives me money to...

Vulkan – Primarch of the XVIIIth Legion

Here is the last Heresy Character my brother has painted so far, Vulkan of the Salamanders.His cloakClose up of the hammerHis Face   On his Scenic BaseI'll pass the comments about better pictures on to my brother for his next set of characters. he is...