Marine expansion

It’s been a while since my last post but I have been busy further expanding my chapter. I have been working on this captain:Some more terminators:This now brings up a total of 30 of the ranged weapon type My first squad of centurions:I have loved the models so much I...

Big Game report. Nids V Marines

It has been a while since I last posted here. My marines have slowly being expanding. Since the last time I have painted:Assault terminators (lightening claws)Void Shield generator (started)Tactical terminators (heavy flamer)5 man close combat scout squadPlayed some...

Battle Report: Marines V Tyranids

This should be my final one for a while. 4 games in 2 weeks, and now my wife is starting to give me the look..... This time I am taking on Alex_H and his NIds. It has been a while since we had played and this is our first 7th game.We played 1500 points. I am a...

Battle Report: Marines V Eldar

I am certainly getting good use out of my games board and scenery. Over the Easter weekend my dad came down with his steadily growing Eldar army. He has only been collecting for about 1 year and has managed to get a fair bit of stuff. I recently purchased a job lot on...

Battle Report: Marines V Necrons

 Battle report (again). Like busses, you wait ages then 2 turn up at once. This time I was up against my old sparring partner commandojimbob. He has been out of the hobby for a while and is starting to get back in to it. He has bought the new Necron codex...