Battle Report Marines V Tau

Battle report7th edition has been out a while now and I have not yet tried using an Unbound list. I have read the usual whinging on the web that hey are over powered and cheese lists destined to bring the end of the universe, but I wanted to try them out for myself.I...

Chapter Expansion

I have been reasonably productive this last month. My main 2015 objective is to clear the back log of models i have.First up here are a Tactical Squad and a Drop Pod. The tactical squad is my 10th for my chapter, and the 3rd for my drop pod company. It is made up from...

Forgemas – Completed Sevrin Loth

Well at last I have time to post a blog update.Christmas and January have been a particularly hectic timer in my household. I have had relatives over from Canada, relatives down from "Up-North" and once Christmas was complete we got this new addition to the...

Forgemas 14: Sevrin Loth and Honour Guard Part 2

I have completed the base coats of the main colour areas and done some of the shading on the yellow. Unfortunately I thought I had taken more photos throughout the painting process, but I can only find these 3.Here is Loth.I am happy with the way the armour is going....

Forgemas 14: Sevrin Loth and Honour Guard Part 1

I only have one Forgeworld model (the Grey Knight Dread from last year’s tale), which was a gift from Hypaspist many years ago which came to me assembled and base coated.This tale will be a bit of a learning experience for me on how to manage Forgeworld models.I...