Update before Forgemas.

Update before Forgemas.

November has been a busy month for me. A lot is going on in life and so I am spending less time than I would like on the hobby.Luckily on one of the forums the tale of painters is helping me crack on and keep up with what I have to do.First up this month is Azrael. As...
Venerable Dreadnought

Venerable Dreadnought

I am back from my holidays and I am feeling refreshed and ready for more painting.First up is a Venerable dreadnought I have been painting. It is the older metal one, which I like more than the current plastic kit. I had been looking around for the model for a while...
Chapter on its way to full strength

Chapter on its way to full strength

Another month has flown by but at least I have been painting.Two important events have happened that should improve my blog posting regularity:I have signed up to this years Tale of Painters on the Warseer forumsI have new phone which hopefully takes better...
Scenery, Battles and yes more Marines

Scenery, Battles and yes more Marines

Another long absence from the hobby. Life is taking over my geeking pleasures. But now England have been dumped out of the World Cup i hopefully have a bit more time to spend "completing" the models I have.First a battle. my first big game of 7th. I was playing...
Terrain (new and old)

Terrain (new and old)

One item I have never put as much effort in to has been terrain. I have always used boxes, mega blocks or odd bits of scenery here and there. Nothing has looked uniform and as if it should be there.So this year I am making an effort to correct this. I have a home-made...