by Trent | Mar 5, 2013
First up is the setup I did for my 500 point list. It's Astorath and 2x5 man assault marines with a plasma pistol and the sgt. with a powerfist. (or - Ark Angel of the Aporkalypse, 2 units of storm boyz with a kustom blasta led by a nob with a power...
by Trent | Mar 4, 2013
Below is a series of pictures as I was getting the first layer of paint down on the Tyrandis. I'm not going to make it for the escalation league - so... yeah.First - Harmagaunts, rippers and objective markers primed in white.Next, All the termigants in yellow.I...
by Trent | Feb 18, 2013
4 players, single elimination. This is me vs. Skaven. Were it a league game, he would have been hurting for his next game - but alas and alak, it was was a resurrection style. So, even though I beat the tar out of him, he did end up pulling a 2-0...
by Trent | Feb 11, 2013 like 5 years. :)This is after my setup... lets just say it went downhill from there. :) Dave was playing a Deathwing list (first time with the new codex). He stayed on my left side of table, so everything had to swing around. Belial...
by Trent | Feb 6, 2013
Aka - how many termagants fit on the jar... Most of these little buggers spent 9 days in Simple Green, after several hours of scrubbing - they have been deemed "close enough".