Color Test… I think that’s a "Fail"

First picture is the test termagant, sprayed in a cream base coat, on the left side I used "Electric Blue" and on the right "Magic Blue".  I wasn't worried too much about coverage or cleanlyness.  I wanted to see how the new primer/base coat took the dip,...

New camera, some game pictures

I picked up a Lytro Camera last week (long story), anyway - here's a link to some pictures I took with it during a game that I was watching after I finished my Bloodbowl game.Lytro AlbumModels aren't mine...

Game 8 – Khemri vs. Norse

Last game of the regular season.  It was a beat down of the Norse.  2-0 TD, Casualties were 5-0...So, as it sits for the season, my Mahrek Mummies are 6-1-1, currently valued at 1.610m gp with a full 16... mummy... roster.  I will be giving up some...

Pictures so big… it takes two

Ok, so top picture is my painting/building/hobby desk (that the wife uses just about as often as I do), bottom picture is one of those cool Micheal's $10 trays that I use to move/store/build things with when I can't use my desk.I've got a little bit more than 2000...