Kill Zone / Movie Marines – With Pictures

Click the picture to make it bigger.  Left to right:Dreadnought as Kill Zone Terminator (Assault Cannon, Hard to Kill, Thermal Imaging), The Dude as Movie Marines.Vanguard Veteran Sgt (with Relic Blade in KZ), Space Marine Sergeant in MMMarine with Bolter (in...

Two pictures of the Orks in battle

First up, the setup.  Played 1500 points Crusade (3 objectives) with a "Vanguard Strike" deployment vs. my friend Eric's Blood Angels army (this was after the ass-beating I gave him with the movie marines).It went marginally better for him than against the...

Movie Marines

Played a quick game with my new Chapterhouse "Tru-Scale" Iron Snakes. Sarge, Dude, Flamer Marine, Missile Marine, three Space Marines, and a Razorback - with 3 stunt doubles. Wiped Eric's Blood Angels off the board with a loss of the Flamer Marine and...