Kickstarter Ogres size comparison (and mini-review)

Kickstarter Ogres size comparison (and mini-review)

So, my Kickstarter Ogres arrived on Friday (ya!).  I've since had enough time to build exactly 1 of them.  But, here he is.  Smaller and weedier than the current line of Ogre Kingdoms, but about in line with the old GW Ogres (which, is what they were...
Some pics of some teams..

Some pics of some teams..

These are all destined for eBay...First up, box set, plastic Orcs...Next, box set, plastic Humans (with an Ogre)...Next is a team I've had primed for about 6 years... 16 of the "Imps" and two Treemen.  Painted as a Halfling team.The were dipped last night, so I...
Final (?) game of the season for the Amazon’s

Final (?) game of the season for the Amazon’s

So, we were supposed to have the playoff this last weekend.  But, there was like 6" of snow on the ground, and several people freaked (not nearly as bad as they did in the South... but still).  So, there were three of us.. the #1 seed (Orks), the #2 seed...