Continuing with grey knights

Hello my friends! Finaly, i found some time to update this stranded place and say hello to my folowers! Im back with couple of updates about what was happening on my painting desk since last update and im sorry to say, not much. As i am currently in cash saving mode...

Toying with grey knight land raider

Hello everyone! After month and few days long painting break whitch i had to take for several reasons and one of them was i strated playing MMOs again, second i need to save some money i would spend on models as i ll have pretty big expenses elsewhere in couple of...

Iron Warrios army build vlog – Part 3

Hello everyone, in third part of my iron warriors project log im going to tell you a bit about product im using for making snow themed bases many of you requested. Click play and enjoy;-)

Bonewhite chosen marines

Hello everyone by next "finished" piece at my table. After worst week of every year at my work i finaly found time to almost finish new mini diorama containing chaos chosen miniatures from dark vengeance starter set. Im saying almost as i think base it self ll need...

Sunday WIP – Chsm assault mini diorama

Hello everyone! I know i have bad working habits, but i cant help myself and i ve started working on another "mini" project instead focusing on finishing my second iron warriors terminator squad. I decided to play a bit with another set of chaos chosen marines from...