Finished commisions – GK LRR and SOB Repressor

Hello everyone! With delay, but here they are. Pictures of latest finished commisions and i hope last commisons i took this year as i finaly want to paint army for my self and whats more important focus on my painting and try to improve on single models.From now on i...

Iron Warrios army build log – Part 2

Hi again, im back with promised second part of my Iron Warriors army build log. This time showcasing already seen terminator lord and chaos terminators, but i hope you ll enjoy them again, this time in motion and with comentary. Thanks for watching!

Iron Warrios army build log – Part 1

Hi All! I ve just finished first five testing pieces of MK3 Iron Armours for my Iron Warriors army and decided to start making a video log to capture how my army ll grow in following months as since next week i ll have all my free time finaly aviable for building my...

Third Iron Warriors lord done

Yes, i felt in love with chaos lord kit and i keep ordering more of them. Here is my third take on it and im still looking forward to buy fourth kit to make another terminator lord for my collection;-) I know it might seem crazy for someone, but as i stated when...

Iron Warriors project status

Hello everyone! Unfortunately i was not able to write updates as often as i would like to, but to be honest there was not much to write about past two weeks. As i took one week painting break and then started working on commisions and unfortunately damaged my airbrush...