Getting Back into Gaming

A few months ago, I had moved into a new apartment. It was far enough from my old place that I needed to start going to a closer Games Workshop. A few days ago, I finally had the opportunity to go in and introduce myself.I brought in my Titan and all the Ultramarines...

Third Tactical Squad Complete

Since coming back from my field time with the Army, I've put a lot of work back into my Ultramarines.I now present to you my third and final tactical squad. Check out the Ultramarines page to see the new squad!It feels good to have this squad done. Having a third...

Review: Kill Team

I was poking around the XBox Live Marketplace when I found Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. I knew it existed, but I was holding out for Space Marine. After seeing this in the Marketplace for just $4.99, I couldn't pass it up.Before I begin, let me say that you get what...

1,000 Points on the Horizon

After a month in the field with the Army, I'm finally back in the land of the... uh... showered. Now that all my field time is over, I have a ton of free time to devote to the hobby again.Before I left, I was working on my third and final tactical squad for my...

Taking a Break

In my last post, we discussed ways to come back from a long break. We went over things you could do to get back into the hobby after being away for a while. On the flip side of things, however, what can we do if we know we're going to be taking a break for whatever...