Knight Models: Batman v Superman Batman

So I painted up some more Knight Models miniatures just after Christmas, and today got the chance to photo the finished product. I've now done several of versions of Batman, but this is by far my favourite!This is a typical KM sculpt in some ways - really good detail...

Chaos Space Marines: Maulerfiend

Another model from the Chaos Space Marines commission I'm painting at the moment: a Maulerfiend!I had to take these photos in poor light, so they don't really do the model justice. It has a really nice, deep red colour on the armour plates, and the metallics really...

Chaos Space Marines: Helbrute

Some more progress on the Chaos commission I'm doing: today I finished the Helbrute, together with several magnetised weapon options.View of the back...Side view: showing the tarnished metal of the heavy flamer...And another view...And a final shot of the Helbrute...