Space Wolves Project Log: 01

Sooooo I decided to start a wolves army. Gonna be a while before I get much done with all of everyone's commissions however I feel this distraction keeps my skills as a painter sharp. So here's what i've been working on for my own personal army for the past 2 weeks....

Blood Vestals

So the sheer small scale of these girls make most work on them very difficult, as a result output is not where I would like it to be but hey the results are worth it. So heres one of the five ladies just to give you all an idea of where im heading with them. The hair...


Quick update for Sammy. A bit left to go but almost there :)

Farseer W.I.P.

So heres what Ive done so far on our Farseer. The weapons were requested wraithbone so I went for the realistic appearence of real bone. Still alot left to do on this guy but im gonna guve him a break for now to avoid burnout and get back to the Bloodvestals and thier...

And so it begins.. BLOOD VESTALS WEEK!

Ok so these ladies are going to get the full coverage this week! (Dont worry everyone elses models will still be worked on) But for the Blog were gonna showcase these 4 ladies in progress stage by stage. Today they got the basics applied for skin and armor. Ive also...