X-Wing – New Coverage, Scum Faction

X-Wing – New Coverage, Scum Faction

Hey, Phoenix here from Unforgiven Studios, for those who have been living under a rock for the last 2 years, X-Wing is a fantastic game released by Fantasy Flight Games based in the Star Wars universe where you take command of a small squadron of Fighters (or...
Unforgiven: Warhammer World Tournament Results

Unforgiven: Warhammer World Tournament Results

Welcome back to the Unforgiven editorial about recent tournament changes. Before I jump into an analysis of the finer points of the tournament, I just wanted to let you all know how we did. We finished joint 27/98 achieving a total of 142 victory points over the...
Unforgiven: Pre-Tournament Thoughts

Unforgiven: Pre-Tournament Thoughts

Hello again all, as many of you will know from reading my introduction, I am due to attend the Battle Brother's tournament at Warhammer World this weekend.As previously mentioned, this will be the first official games workshop event to incorporate both Forgeworld,...
Unforgiven: An Introduction Too

Unforgiven: An Introduction Too

Hi All, Following Prodigal's introduction here on Faeit 212, I suppose I should equally follow suit and introduce myself as well. Like Prodigal, I have been given the fantastic opportunity to contribute to this site. I am the founder of Unforgiven Studios and a...