-WIP- Iron Warriors Mechanical Chaos Spawns

Hi all!I started to make some chaos spawns that will accompany my general and a friend of mine gave me a good idea: why not just use the Ork Killa Kans?My face was:       O_oSo i bought the "orkish fateful box", and i started working.....From...

-WIP- Nurgle Hellbrute

Hi all!!!Every time i made a conversion, lot of green stuff remains unused so, little by little, i've created a nurgle hellbrute!I made this model just for fun and because i don't want to trash my greenstuff so it tooks about 1 month for build it, because i've used...

-SHOWCASE- Iron Warriors Lord on Juggernaut

Hi all!Finally i've finished my Iron Warrior Lord on Juggernaut!I've used the Juggernaut that i've showed some days ago hereI added some rust effects, some tubes and red eyes glow to give him more demonical feeling...I also changed his backpack with a plastic one from...

-REVIEW- Anvil Industry Ltd

Hi all!Today I want to show you some items for sale at ANVIL INDUSTRY LTD, an online store that I found by accident while looking for some parts for my conversion ...As soon as I saw the first pictures, I fell in love immediately!http://www.anvilindustry.co.uk/His...

-WIP- Iron Warriors Warlord on Juggernaut

Hi all!It's time to build a warlord capable to mount my Juggernaut!I started searching for some bits in my box and i've found some interesting components....1     Classic Chaos Space Marines Shoulder Pad2     Kromlech Chaos Resin Shoulderpad ...