-WIP- Imperial Guard Commissar #2

Hi all!I usually buy a lot of miniatures and i leave them in the closet, until i have "modelling inspirations" :)So in this weekend, i decided to remove the dust from my commissar and make this simple conversion.At first i've removed his head with dremel, trying to...

-WIP- Imperial Guard Company Commander and Vox Caster

Hi all!!!I'm still working on my imperial guard...So far in my battles i deployed the company command team of the Death Korps of Krieg but i noticed that as true scale models, they are very thin compared to Cadians so i decided to build a new command squad using the...

-SHOWCASE- Imperial Guard Infantry Squad #1

Hi all!Finally i've completed my 1st Infantry squad!They're simple cadian shock troops with a lot of extra equipment and gas mask from Pig Iron ProductionsBackpacks are made with Space Marines magazine pouches!I hope you like them!Thanks for reading!!!

-HOW TO MAKE- Realistic Improved Comms

Hi all!While working on my tanks i noticed that all comms and radios aren't so realistic.So i decided to make this simple tutorial on how to make better antennas for your vehicles.---WARNING!---You have to use the fire then ask for help to an adult!!!At first i...