Witch-Hound – Starting position

My new project is going to be a Witch-Hound from the Avatars of War range. Instead if giving this figure away I might actually keep him for my Mordheim Witch Hunter Warband... Shocking I know... But hey... every once and awhile I do keep these things ^_^The miniature...

Ork Boss Snikrot – Touch ups

I wasn't happy with the lenses, they looked like crap, so I figured now's the time to see if you can paint over matt varnish...GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY! You can!

Be Quietz! I hunting ‘Umies!

Completed. ORKS ARE FUN! If you're bored, paint an Ork! The lenses look worse than last time, but its because of the light used for the photo...Done today: - The base: Simple base, sand with some rock looking stuff, I wanted it to be crumbly clay like surface to...

Da Boss sayz Paintz! You Gitz Paint

Well despite still being somewhat angry, and bitter, I've painted something... Something Orky!First things first, painting Orks is [i]fun[/i]... There is something really, really absorbing about painting green flesh. It has a highly different feel than flat armor...

We interrupt scheduled programming…

To say I've been burgled... :(Mother Frakkers people... Mother frakkers suck... Big time... Got home on Wednesday night and found a window open. They'd pried it open and gotten inside. The good news is that the alarm did its job and went off pretty quick meaning they...