Being Evil is Fabulous Darling…

Finished the 2010 Gamesday Chaos Sorcerer!This is how far behind I am in my painting... So very much! ^_^Being Evil is Fabulous Darling... - PINK: The pink highlighting doesn't quite show on the photos, but there's a little more there than it looks. I actually...

Chaos Sorcerer: Day Two

Chaos Sorcerer on day two...The Blue: Pretty standard; went from a dark blue and just used cream to lighten it as I went, rather than use different blues.The Pink: Why Pink? I honestly don't know. I was looking at it and for some reason Pink seemed the way to go. Plus...

Zombicide Review: Part Two

Having broken down the box last week I figured this week I'd look at how the game plays.I've played a few games, mostly running a few people through the tutorial mission, but also getting the first two missions done as well, and I gotta say this is pretty fun. The...

Zombicide Review: Part One

As a fan of the horde of the living dead, I naturally got into the Zombicide Kickstarter pretty early on... I believe my exact words were "shut up and take my money", but I digress. The international orders shipped a little while ago, and I was lucky enough to get my...

Finecast status check…

I am a Finecast critic. I want to get that out at the very start. I think 'Finecast' miniatures were a failure from before they were released. I have gotten a selection of them since release and have been massively disappointed every time. The details...