by Vent | Sep 6, 2012
I'm pushing ahead and figure the way forward is to put aside all my current projects and paint something I've never even considered before and see how I go with the motivation... To that end I spent the afternoon making a base for my chaos sorcerer guy... At least I...
by Vent | Sep 1, 2012
I'm having some massive problems with motivation to paint these days. It's not just a case of not wanting to, because I do want to, but when I sit down to actually paint some stuff I can't seem to keep going. I'll do a tiny little bit and then descend to read... I...
by Vent | Aug 2, 2012
Finally finished the Diorama!Marine and Dark Eldar:
by Vent | Jun 16, 2012
We need you! Haqqislam Soldiers are trapped in tiny cells awaiting liberation and redeployment to a battle field of my choosing! Your actions are all that stand between their freedom!Now I hear you saying: 'But I'm just one stunningly amazing...
by Vent | Jun 15, 2012
IT CONTINUES!Here is the start of the Dark Eldar mini to go with the diorama. It's for Xarboth over at 40k I needed to check with him that the blue was appropriate. He said to go nuts with it...So I did...More of the blue. Still some more to do, a few more...