Only In Death: Following up on Lanchester’s Laws

I’ve been blown away, and immensely gratified, by the amazing response people have had to my post on Lanchester’s Laws and 40K. So I thought I’d do a brief followup based on a modification first suggested by WestRider, author of the blog Cascadian...

Lanchester’s Laws and the Veritas Ferrum

There are times, when you’re reading a Black Library book, when you think “I bet the math behind that is kinda interesting…” I mean, probably not, but if you’re reading this blog, who are you to judge? I’ve been catching up on the...

My (Belated) Takeaways from the LVO Warhammer Panel

The Las Vegas Open was awhile ago, and the Warhammer Preview panel that was held the first night has been detailed in depth, as has the tournament itself. The results have been discussed ad infinitum. The models have been (rightly) drooled over by everyone....

Review: Titandeath by Guy Haley

The holiday season, for me, means a lot of travel, which means less hobby time, and my mother-in-law’s kitchen is not the best place to do catch-up coding for various projects for the blog. Which means a lot of time to read. Fortunately for me, Titandeath, the...

Review: Versatile Terrain Name Plates

All super-heavies in 40K should have names. This is just a fundamental truth. And with the over-the-top, baroque style of 40K slathered in pseudo-Latin, there’s room for really fun names. Terminus Est. Fortress of Arrogance. These names add a lot of texture to...