Unsung Heroes of the Horus Heresy: We Have Winners!

After a slight delay that was mostly my fault for not checking a calendar, I’ve tabulated the scores from the three judges, added up the totals, and we have winners! Before they’re announced, I’d like to commend everyone who submitted an entry...

Command Points are 8th Edition’s Psychic Dice

TL;DR: They’re good at injecting flavor into the game, are fun in small quantities, but when deployed en masse break the game. This started as what was just going to be a flippant post to the Variance Hammer Facebook page, but on the drive home...

Unsung Heroes of the Heresy: It’s the Final Countdown!

Halloween is almost upon us, and with it the end of the Unsung Heroes of the Heresy contest! Get those entries in! All you need is a single painted figure and a story, up to 2000 words in length, telling the tale of your original creation Independent Character. The...

Unsung Heroes of the Heresy: There is Yet Time!

We’re headed into the middle of October, but there’s still plenty of time to enter the Unsung Heroes of the Heresy contest! All you need is a single painted figure and a story, up to 2000 words in length, telling the tale of your original creation...