Breaking Down the Horus Heresy FAQ

The Horus Heresy has been in dire need of an FAQ for a long time – while generally a tighter ruleset than 7th Edition 40K was, invariably things come up, ambiguities arise, and competing interpretations of what seem like straightforward sentences start to take...

How Would NASA Balance 40K?

Awhile back, while I was out of the country doing my level best not to get cholera, Val Heffelfinger, whose name crops up on a number of 40K Facebook groups and the like posed a question to me (somewhat paraphrased): With regards to points and game balance, how do you...

Pyrithite or Adrasite: Which Gun for the Guys in Gold?

While the Custodian Guard have been out for Horus Heresy for a long time now, the resin weapon upgrades are relatively new – so I thought I’d crunch the numbers on the Pyrithite vs. Adrasite spears. I’m not even going to pretend this is timely...

CQB: Draft Rules for 8th Edition Zone Mortalis

A recurring theme of this blog, in addition to my fondness for Space Elves in all their various forms, is that I rather like the void war aspects of 40K. Which means Zone Mortalis is right up my alley – lots of terrain, small armies that don’t involve a...