Forge World, the Horus Heresy, and Product Roadmaps

A couple days ago, I lost my damned mind. Forge World, as it is wont to do, discontinued some models. This always makes me lose my mind a little bit, because I’m a resin junkie, and few are the models Forge World makes that I can’t picture myself using someday. But...

My Hopes for the Sisters of Battle

Variance Hammer was on a temporary holiday while I was in Zambia, but a free morning in the hotel and an announcement I’ve been waiting for for years spurred the desire to post. So here we are. Sisters of Battle confirmed for 2019. This post is primarily musing about...

The Big FAQ: The Variance Hammer Hot Take

So it’s out, a mere half-month off schedule: the first of the major FAQs that Games Workshop has promised will be on something of a “tick-tock” cycle. So what’s in it, and how do I feel about it? First, a disclaimer: I’m reading this when...

Review: Asset Drop Monthly Painting/Female Miniatures Boxes

There’s been a lot of reviews on this site recently, primarily because real life has been keeping me fairly busy (and indeed, out of the country) enough that longer form pieces are taking…well…longer. There are several in the works, and they’ll...