Will the Aliens Save Konor?

Games Workshop is running it’s big Fate of Konor summer campaign, and I had a chance to play a game with my brother – my Eldar vs. whatever Imperial figures we could cobble together into a coherent force. At the time I had made a joke –...

Victoria Miniatures Sledgehammer BFG: Unboxing and Review

There is something immensely satisfying about heavy artillery. And batteries of heavy artillery are a staple of 40K imagery, from the horrible, grinding trench warfare at Vraks to the Iron Warriors trying to tear down the walls of the Imperial Palace. But the...

Why “Just Play 7th” Is Bad Advice

There’s a frequent reply to people complaining about the changes in 8th Edition: “If you don’t like it, just play 7th.” This advice makes intuitive sense – after all, it’s not like the police came to your house and impounded all...

Warhammer 40K 8th Edition: The Variance Hammer Hot Take

I’ve been resisting posting much on 8th Edition until I had a chance to play it, because despite my fondness for Theoryhammer (it is, after all, the entire purpose of this blog) I think it’s best to have actually played at least one game before the...

Review: Frontline Gaming’s FLG Mats

Playing on some tables at the local club recently that are the classic painted gravel style has reminded me that game mats changed everything – no more skinned knuckles or chipped Sisters of Battle. The Frontline/TableWar F.A.T. Mat kicked off a new era –...