Chasing the Dragon: Is GW’s Release Schedule Ruining the Hobby?

Yesterday, while wandering BoLS, I encountered an editorial, The Real Ugly Side of 40k. The author’s fundamental assertion: that the competitive landscape is beset by ugly and unpainted armies, and at least a hefty portion of the fault for this lies at the feet...

LVO 2017 Analysis: Doom of the Eldar

As has become something of a yearly tradition here at Variance Hammer, I’ve done some number crunching on the 2017 Las Vegas Open 40K Championships, to see what there is to see. And this year, what there is to see is interesting. A king has been unseated, to be...

Imperial Agents: A Postmortem

Games Workshop has been hitting it out of the park on a pretty regular basis recently – with one notable exception. The Imperial Agents book, rather than being met with the same enthusiasm as most of their recent content, was pretty widely criticized. It’s...