Is Going to Tournaments Correlated with Winning Them?

I was grabbing a current snapshot of the current ITC standings (as of Jan. 29, 2017) for another project, but while I was looking at the data I started wondering how correlated tournament attendance is with ITC score. So I decided to find out. Now, clearly...

Review: Game Mat

When I started playing 40K the default gaming surface to play on has gone from a big piece of felt or a table with enough gravel flock to scour your knuckles. That’s changed in the past couple years. A lot. Mousepad like game mats are now supplied by a number of...

40K in 2016

I’ve been slowing my posting on Variance Hammer for a couple reasons – ironically, the relentless pace of GW releases makes it hard to talk about any one thing in depth, and a couple pre-orders going a bit wrong has meant I’ve been behind enough on a...

The Performance-Sportsmanship Tradeoff

After yesterday’s analysis of the Warzone Atlanta data, a commenter on Reddit objected to my use of the term “Friendly” to describe my army, and the implication that competitive armies are inherently unfriendly, less fun to play, etc. I clarified...