Warzone Atlanta: Crunching the Numbers

In a previous post, I went over Warzone Atlanta from the perspective of an event attendee. Now that I’ve gotten my hands on the data from the event itself, I thought I would take a look at the event from a statistical perspective. I’m also trying some new...

Traitor’s Hate and Angel’s Blade: A Quick Take

This has been a somewhat belated article, as GW is writing faster than I am, and serious reviews are now…pretty behind schedule. The current plan is to approach the “State of Chaos” after Wrath of Magnus and the Legions books come out to provide a...

Warzone Atlanta: A View From the Tables

Last weekend, I got the spend the better part of two days throwing down with complete strangers at Warzone Atlanta. An analysis of the tournament itself is coming when I get a chance to plow into the data, but in the meantime, how was it as an event? The Venue:...

Variance Hammer will be at Warzone: Atlanta

This weekend I’ll be at Warzone: Atlanta, fulfilling my Khaine-given destiny of being the lowest ranked Eldar player there. So if you want to say hi, just look for the bearded dude in old Disney cartoon t-shirts.

The Sound of Sisters of Silence

Alliterative? Yes. But how strong are the Sisters of Silence on the battlefield? Is Null Maiden the new Black? Or are they just beautiful models that will sit on the shelf, only to be taken out for the occasional novelty game? On basic stats, the Sisters are good, but...