Who Are Your Hobby Heroes?

There’s something that’s been bouncing around in my mind for a little bit, and I thought now, while I wait for some laundry to finish so I can pack for a trip, would be as good a time as any to explore it: Who are the people who have most influenced you in...

Review: The New White Dwarf

White Dwarf has always been a magazine near and dear to my heart. When I first started in the hobby, it was a source of inspiration – beautiful figures, exciting battle reports, basically a window into what the game could be. And on a limited budget, an issue...

Review: Kill Team

The summer has been an interesting one for Games Workshop, with some really interesting releases, but not ones that make major changes to the game, easing off the relentless drumbeat of the recent past, presumably allowing them time to get their Age of Sigmar house in...

40K on Mobile: Battlefleet Gothic: Leviathan

The PC RTS Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, with it’s beautiful graphics and amazingly characterful cinematic scenes, was released with a fair amount of fanfare. On it’s heels was a somewhat more obscure game, Battlefleet Gothic: Leviathan by Grand Cauldron...