Review: Victoria Miniatures Female Arcadian Guard

I like female miniatures. I think one of the fundamental realities of the 40K setting is that is sufficiently dark that petty differences begin to fade away in response to a greater threat. If the Tyranids, or the Warp, or any one of a thousand other threats is about...

What’s Wrong With The Tau?

“There are two armies ruining the game: Eldar and Tau.” I hear some form of this a lot. Any mention of overpowered factions, units that need nerfing, ‘What’s wrong with the state of 40K’ etc. brings up our Blue Goatfish Friends. And given...

State of the Variance – Year Two

Variance Hammer turned two awhile back, and as I did last year, I’m going to indulge in a little introspection. This allows for the opportunity to talk about where people are finding this site from, what they’re reading, etc., which is I think interesting...

Review: Death from the Skies

Games Workshop, as it is wont to do, has been working on a summer product rollout, with a supplement, some new kits, etc. A few images leak, certain unnamed rumors sites get ahold of them, and speculation runs rampant. The game is ruined. $Faction will run unchecked...

Reviewing Warzone Fenris: Deathwolves and Taxes

The somewhat belated second installment of my Warzone Fenris review (apologies, life got in the way), this time covering the actual meat of the book – the rules themselves. Formations for both Daemons and Space Wolves, new missions, new units…there is much...