Review: Supremacy Tactical Objectives

Maelstrom Missions are, without a doubt, my favorite way of playing 40K. I’ve found the games to be closer, more dynamic, and more engaging. They do add an element of randomness, but to be frank, I think this is a feature, not a bug. In an unbalanced game (which...

Feast of Fluff: The Other Entries

Several people have requested the other entries for the Feast of Fluff contest be posted up. What follows is a single PDF of the fluff entry for each, generally with a single “iconic” image for the cover page – when only one picture was sent in, this...

Are Later Tournament Games Closer?

So after reaching out to the good folks over at Frontline Gaming, I have indeed gotten some more detailed data from the Las Vegas Open. One of the analyses I have planned is a bit of a beast, so rather than wait for that to be finished, I thought I’d put up a...

The Feast of Fluff: Results!

The judging for the Feast of Fluff contest is complete, and we’re now ready to announce the winners! First, I’d like to thank everyone who participated – we got some seriously great entries, and determining winners was genuinely tough. But the judges...