The Unofficial Doom of Mymeara FAQ

After taking a little break from DoM coverage to catch my breath and ponder the books, I’ve collected some of the most common issues I’ve heard discussed, as well as errors I found in the book, into a GitHub repository to act as an easily updated, living...

Review: Wolf King

It’s a rare thing for me to do an outright book review here on Variance Hammer – I figure there are likely other places that do that better. But I’m going to make an exception for Wolf King. First, because it was a limited edition novella, and those...

Alternative Deathwatch

The new Deathwatch Overkill game came with considerable fanfare from players and longtime fans of the 40K franchise, and I’ll admit I was excited. I’m a long-time fan of the Boys in Black, I like Inquisitorial units, and I’ve always liked the idea of...

I’m Totally Judging You

Assuming you entered the Feast of Fluff competition that is. Just a quick status update for people: we’ve got your entries, they’ve been stripped of identifying information, and sent off to the judges. My hope is to get results back here pretty soon and...

40K is Forked

So not long after I put out my view on the new ITC 2016 Q1 poll, the results came out, and now, like so many talking heads staring at primary results, I get to ask the fundamental question: “What does this all mean?” The quick answer: We’re forked....