Resin Reviews: Establishing a Benchmark

One of the most frequent question that gets asked on various 3D printing community pages is “Does anyone have a good filament supplier?” or “What sort of resin should I use?” For wargaming (where colors become less of a thing), I think the...

Resin Reviews: Establishing a Benchmark

One of the most frequent question that gets asked on various 3D printing community pages is “Does anyone have a good filament supplier?” or “What sort of resin should I use?” For wargaming (where colors become less of a thing), I think the...

In Defense of Coaching in 40K

There are a lot of things I don’t like about Competitive 40K. This is…known. The hot takes (irony, I know). Some of the toxic personalities and poor gamesmanship that comes from putting prestige and prizes on the line over a game of dice and toy soldiers....

Why The Timing of Warzone Charadon is a Good Thing

There’s some drama around the release of Warzone Charadon (though, in this era of “We can’t play games we can only talk about them”, “There’s some drama” is a pretty reliable statement. And the core of the argument is a valid...

Why The Timing of Warzone Charadon is a Good Thing

There’s some drama around the release of Warzone Charadon (though, in this era of “We can’t play games we can only talk about them”, “There’s some drama” is a pretty reliable statement. And the core of the argument is a valid...