On the Building of Zones Mortalis

For me, Warhammer 40K has always been about void war. It’s what got me into it, it’s what my Heresy army is themed around, and I think it’s what makes for really amazing looking tables. Zone Mortalis is my jam. I also spent about 9 months last year...

Black Lives Matter. Or: Why Politics Belongs in the Hobby

There are at least two posts sitting in the queue waiting for a final pass before being published. They’re not going to get published for awhile. There’s more important things right now. Minority communities in this country – the same ones that have...

We’re Blowing It

Generally speaking, this blog is about toy soldiers. And math. Sometimes toy soldiers and math. This is not one of those posts. This is about COVID-19. And this is posting feeling like a raw nerve. If it ends up clever, it’s on accident. If it ends up sounding a...

Why I Don’t Want 9th Edition Heresy

You ever have something that you could have sworn you wrote down at some point, and then you go back and try to find it and it’s just…not there? That’s me with this article. I think through a variety of Twitter posts, Facebook responses, etc....

What’s the role for Math Hammer in Narrative Gaming?

This was inspired by a question from Cadian Shock, and was originally supposed to just be a snippet. But it’s gotten a bit past that, and I thought it would be nice to post up something, because it’s been quite some time. Stretch those hobby muscles a bit....