Coronavirus, Cons and the Tallyman of Nurgle

We’re going to take a bit of a break from MathHammer to consider what I do in my real life – the study of infectious diseases, including COVID-19. We’ve used similar math before in other posts – looking at Lanchester’s Laws, and...

Revisiting Asset Drop

Almost two years ago, I started subscribing to the Asset Drop monthly miniature painting boxes. At the time, I was fairly positive about what I was getting, but how are they holding up as time goes on? To start with, I’m reviewing and discussing two of their...

Why Competitive 40K Is So Easy To Talk About

So awhile ago, on an episode of Splintermind I somehow snuck onto, we got to talking about why, when the internet talks about 40K, they almost always talk about Matched Play Competitive 40K, rather than the myriad of other genres of the game that exist. There are of...

The Sigmarization of 40K: It’s Not What You Think

Or…the difference between Tall settings and Wide settings. Back when 8th Edition was released, there was a lot of talk about the Sigmarization of 40K. How it was being reduced to a children’s game, etc. etc. While I have my issues with 8th ed. even in its...

Badger 3D Prime…Further Testing

When last I reviewed some methods for priming 3D prints, I was…unimpressed with Badger’s new 3D Prime offering. It seemed to be a lot of work in exchange for not much benefit. But two lingering questions remained…1) Did I use it right? and 2) Do you...