“Raid Boss” Kill Team

Over the holidays, I got to get in a couple nostalgic “Classic Terrain on the Dining Room Table” games of Kill Team with my brother, which was a blast. One of the games we played I want to talk about a bit, because it’s something I’ve been...

Review: MathHammer (Mobile App)

Cadian Shock has been a long time IG-centric blogger, and a hobbyist I’ve been following for a long time. But more recently, he’s become a purveyor of various Warhammer-related web and mobile apps. One of them is MathHammer, which does what it says on the...

The Great 3D Print Prime-Off

I often paralyze myself trying to find the perfect solution for something. The right product to achieve X effect. And now that I’ve acquired a 3D printer, and am working on a long term terrain project (more on that later), I’ve happened upon another...

A Shifting Focus

So Variance Hammer has been pretty quiet for the past couple months, mostly due to life-related reasons that can be summed up as “The Finest of Nurgle’s Gifts” and an avalanche of work related things. So yeah, things have been a little quiet, though...